Do you have enough energy for medieval adventure? Get Medieval bars package for free!
Easy Setup
Create your very first progress bar with just a few clicks. It's really easy!
Many Rendering Methods
Fill, repeat, sequence or transform. Choose your rendering method and create what you need!
Attachable to 3D Objects
There's no need for your bars to be static! Attach them to any object on your screen, just like in the strategy games.
Unity 5 ready!
Unity 5 is the bright future of game development that is now available for anyone. Energy Bar Toolkit makes it even brighter!
Visual Effects
You can configure your bars with many cool visual effects. Make your game outstanding and breathtaking!
uGUI Support
Energy Bar Toolkit is natively supporting uGUI. It acts just like any other uGUI widget, so if you already know uGUI, then you will know how to use it!
PlayMaker Support
You can use Energy Bar Toolkit with PlayMaker, and don't worry any longer about scripting.
Multi-resolution Support
Easily adaptable to multiple screen resolutions without a pain. Looks great on mobile devices, PC, and Retina display.
Built-in event system
Even if you don't own PlayMaker, you can easily setup simple event actions that will change bar values. Great for designers!
3 Bar Packs Included
You can choose from 3 royalty-free high-quality bar packs! Get your game running faster!
Works with all Unity versions
You can use it with Unity Free, Unity Personal (Unity 5) and Unity Pro.
On PC and Android. Used by many on iOS & Mac.
Under Active Development
We strive to make Energy Bar Toolkit the best progress bars tool available in the Asset Store. Many positive reviews are a proof that we're on the right track!
3D Positioning
Be no longer bound to 2D space only. Place your bars wherever and transform them however you want.
Working with 3rd-party GUI Systems
NGUI and Daikon Forge are supported out of the box! Easy to use with other existing GUI tools.