Can I use Energy Bar Toolkit with Unity Free/Pro?

Yes, you can! Energy Bar Toolkit works fine with both Unity versions.

Can I use Energy Bar Toolkit to create paid game/presentation/etc.?

You can use Energy Bar Toolkit with any type of project. It can be free, it can be paid, it doesn’t matter. You’re only not allowed to distribute Energy Bar Toolkit sources and files in the form that can be reused.

I am not a programmer. Can I use Energy Bar Toolkit?

Yes! Energy Bar Toolkit doesn’t require any code to setup great progress bars! If you want to setup events based on what’s going on at your scene, you can use built-in Event System or if you have PlayMaker PlayMaker integration package.

Are updates free?

Yes, they are! All updates are available through Unity Asset Store.

I have a problem/suggestion/something to tell.

You’re welcome! Please write on the forums or you can contact us directly by writing to .

Where can I find integration with NGUI 3.0.0?

It is included in Energy Bar Toolkit package starting from 1.6.6.

My textures are not displaying properly.

Sometimes textures thrown into Energy Bar Toolkit may be displaying with glitches, unwanted pixels, etc. This is because of how you configured your texture importer or Unity version that you are using. Energy Bar Toolkit tries to detect these issues and displays you a fix proposal. Just look at the Inspector of your bar object. In most cases, few clicks on ‘Fix it’ buttons will do.

I see bars in my game view but after building they are no longer visible.

This is a known issue when you’re working with Deferred Lighting. Please take a look at this.

I want to recude number of draw calls. How can I do that?

It’s easy! First make sure that you’re not using OnGUI renderers. Unfortunatelly there’s no easy way to reduce draw call count using OnGUI renderers. Then you can create and apply an atlas to your scene.

I am receiving compilation error like “error CS0246: The type or namespace name `TypeName’ could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?”

Please make sure that you’ve typed TypeName correctly. If it is type from Energy Bar Toolkit, then in most cases you have to add

using EnergyBarToolkit;

At the top of your C# script. If you’re using JavaScript, then please reference all the types using EnergyBarToolkit namespace as prefix:

var pivot = EnergyBarToolkit.EnergyBarBase.Pivot.Top;

I am experiencing an error “Instance of FilledRenderer3DInspector couldn’t be created because there is no script with that name.”

The reason of that error is how Unity handes the unitypackage file format, and it can be experienced only when one will upgrade Energy Bar Toolkit from the older version.

To be safe and sound, please always remove Energy Bar Toolkit directory before importing the newer version.

I want to be notified about updates.

There are many ways to do that. When new version of Energy Bar Toolkit is released the information about it is published at:

Subscribe or follow any of them to be always up to date.

I have an issue that is not in the list.

Don’t worry. First make sure that your solution isn’t explained in this documentation. If not, feel free to: