Pivot points are used to set relative point for your bar. Let’s say you want to put your energy bar at the bottom right corner of the screen and you want it to stay there regardless of screen resolution. In order to do so you setup pivot to bottom right and from now on bottom-right corner of the screen is where your pivot starts. Pivots can be set next to position option for each renderer.

Look for Pivot option next to Position:

This is how changing your pivot point will affect the bar:

Pivots and Resizing

Pivots doesn’t support energy bar resizing. This means that width and height of all bars will remain the same regardless of screen resolution. There are at least two reasons why this problem isn’t yet targeted by Energy Bar Toolkit:

  • Resizing GUI textures may cause them to flicker
    Flickering is an effect that is rather undesirable. If you really need to make bars smaller or larger in some resolutions you should create another set of textures prepared for target resolution. Of course you can use size renderer options but you should check the result before committing it.
  • Aspect issues
    Different screen resolution may have different aspect ratios. There’s no way to perfectly match other resolutions layout without breaking the aspect radio.